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30 May, 2023

What is H4CBD? H4CBD Properties, H4CBD vs HHC [Guide]


What is H4CBD?

The cannabinoid H4CBD is a synthetic cannabinoid in the form of hydrogenated CBD cannabidiol. H4CBD is synthesized by adding four hydrogen atoms to the CBD molecule, derived from industrial cannabis strains with high CBD levels (hemp). To produce H4CBD has used the hydrogenation process, which is the same as the margarine production process from vegetable oils, or to produce HHC. Although the research concerning the compound H4CBD, is in the early stage, in 2006 scientists observed that it has a binding affinity with the CB1 receptor insinuating the potential antiinflammatory effect. Below we will refer to some useful information and effects of the synthetic cannabinoid, while we will compare it to cannabidiol, hexahydrocannabinol HHC, and other cannabinoids naturally occurring in the plant or not.

Is H4CBD the same compound with CBD?

The answer to this question is definitely no. These two cannabinoids may share some similarities, but they are not the same compound. Therefore, they have one thing in common and this is cannabidiol, although H4CBD is a hydrogenated form of cannabidiol CBD. Contrary to cannabidiol, H4CBD shows a binding affinity with the cannabis receptor CB1 leading to a mild recreational effect. To conclude, cannabidiol is a natural cannabinoid derived from hemp strains (industrial cannabis), while H4CBD is a synthetic cannabinoid, a product of processing, or rather of the hydrogenation process.

Most of the cannabis products in the Greek or European market contain CBD, although the demand for more cannabinoids, natural, such as cannabigerol CBG, cannabinol CBN, or synthetic cannabinoids, such as HHC or H4CBD. Besides, most of the time the use of more than one cannabinoid increases their effectiveness (entourage effect), taking of course into consideration the person, the health condition, and the quality of the products.

A study published in 2006 states that hydrogenated forms of CBD (H4CBD, H2CBD, 8,9 Dihydocannabidiol) have a binding affinity with the CB1 cannabinoid receptor, detected mostly in the brain and other parts of the body.

H4CBD HHC synthetic cannabinoids. Are they legal?

H4CBD vs HHC. Similarities and differences between H4CBD and HHC (Hexahydrocannabinol)

Let’s start by mentioning the main difference of the two cannabinoids. The major difference between the two cannabinoids is that one is natural, and the other is not. The cannabinoid H4CBD is a synthetic cannabinoid compared to HHC hexahydrocannabinol. The cannabinoid HHC is semi-synthetic as it occurs naturally in the cannabis plants, in small quantities though. To produce the HHC, the hydrogenation process is essential, while it is the same method to produce H4CBD or D8-THC or other synthetic or semi-synthetic cannabinoids. Both cannabinoids, H4CBD and HHC, use cannabidiol molecules for their production, while HHC can be produced also by THC. We should underline that both cannabinoids share mild recreational effects, although each one of them has a different feeling on the body.

H4-CBD all the ifno you should know.


Cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol THC, are among the most prominent chemical compounds detected in cannabis plants. To the point, cannabidiol is an abundant compound in cannabis plants accounting for most of the plant’s extract. It’s been a while that has officially the implicit attention of the scientific community due to its beneficial properties. The CBD market is expanding worldwide, while there are available various CBD products, such as oils, capsules, buds, e-liquids, and skin care products. On the other hand, there is tetrahydrocannabinol THC which is a cannabinoid with significant application to several diseases and disorders, while it is the favorite cannabinoid for recreational use.

THC products are legal in countries where the medical or recreational use (such as Canada, and Uruguay) is permitted. Concerning the synthetic cannabinoid H4CBD has been known since 1940’s, although recently started becoming the new trend, while several products are already out there in distillate (vapes) or edibles (gummies) form. Up to date, there is no official evidence about the medical use of H4CBD, but seems to be an interesting object for further research.

Is H4CBD the same as hydrogenated CBD?

Synthetic H4CBD is a form of hydrogenated cannabidiol CBD, but it is not the only compound in this form. There are plenty of chemical compounds that can derive from the hydrogenation process of an isolated CBD molecule. When this process occurs then the derived products are forms of hydrogenated CBD. For example, there is H4-CBD, and then there is H2CBD containing two hydrogen atoms instead of four. Each form of hydrogenated CBD has different properties and effects.

Does H4CBD get you “high”?

The synthetic cannabinoid H4CBD does not get you high, although its binding affinity with CB1 cannabinoid receptors results in a mild recreational feeling combined with a sense of relaxation contributing to lower stress. A lot of people using H4CBD products state that it is similar to large quantities of cannabidiol, but you always remember that each body tolerates in a different way the various cannabinoids. Users refer that H4CBD products are like the products with a ratio 2:1 CBD:THC.

H4-CBD cannabis flowers for smoking and vaping in Greece and Cyprus.

H4CBD products Available Market

H4CBD was detected by scientists years ago, but recently it has gained the attention also of cannabis companies. Recently, new brand H4CBD products are produced, such as distillates for vaping or tinctures or gummies for easier dosing. H4CBD distillate is hydrogenated CBD oil, and it is the most common form of H4CBD products, combining the distillation method with an isolated cannabinoid, particularly CBD. Furthermore, the distillation process guarantees that other cannabinoids have been removed (0%THC, THC free), and H4CBD is the only one left.

The cannabis sector is evolving fast, besides the legal, political, and social hitches. Besides, scientific research mention the beneficial effects of the cannabinoids, natural or synthetic. It is essential that the countries legislate or modify the laws implicitly without gaps or leaving space for “gray zone” products. In this way, the products may have high quality, while the growers, the entrepreneurs, the employees, or investors will find a solid reason to remain in the sector.

Read the differences among H4CBD, THC, HHC, CBD.


1. Which are considered hydrogenated cannabinoids?

Hydrogenated cannabinoids are those cannabinoids that have undergone the hydrogenation process, which is a chemical process that adds hydrogen to another compound or element. Almost all cannabinoids can be hydrogenated, adding different quantities of hydrogen atoms. As each cannabinoid has its unique properties and effects, the same goes with hydrogenated cannabinoids, while in some cases they are more effective than conventional cannabinoids.

2. Is H4-CBD synthetic?

The answer to this question is yes. Technically, the cannabinoid H4-CBD is synthetic. Although, we should underline that this hydrogenated cannabinoid isn’t entirely artificial, produced from scratch because it is a cannabidiol CBD derivative. However, every alteration of any natural substance, such as CBD, is considered a synthetic form of the original. It is worth underlining that synthetic cannabinoids appear to have new and unique beneficial properties.

3. Is H4CBD 100 times more potent than CBD?

H4CBD is 100 times stronger than CBD is more a claim rather than a scientific fact. Although, a study conducted 15 years ago speculated so. Nowadays, scientists have observed that H4CBD seems to increase the affinity with the cannabis receptor CB1, more than cannabidiol does.

Cannabidiol CBD, according to the data, presents low affinity with CB1 cannabis receptors decreasing its activity. However, when cannabidiol is combined with four hydrogen atoms, it increases the affinity with CB1 making H4-CBD a mild psychoactive substance.

4. Is H4CBD the same as HHC?

The answer is no. They are two different cannabinoids, although they present some similarities. H4CBD has increased activity to CB1 cannabinoid receptors, contrary to CBD, while HHC is less stronger than THC. Also, H4CBD has gained, lately, populatiry, pretty much because HHC is banned in several countries in Europe.

5. Are there cannabis strains with H4CBD?

There aren’t cannabis strains with H4CBD, because H4CBD as mentioned above isn’t a natural cannabinoid but an artificial derivative of cannabidiol. But, there are cannabis flowers infused with H4CBD.

6. Which are the most common effects of H4CBD?

According to the collected data, H4-CBD shares almost the same effect with CBD, although the first one binds with certain neuroreceptors, like CB1, when cannabidiol has a low affinity with CB1. More research is required for both cannabinoids to unveil their properties and effects, especially for H4CBD limited data.

7. Is H4CBD the same as CBD?

H4CBD is the synthetic form of cannabidiol, while the cannabinoid CBD is present in cannabis plants, and its chemical precursor is CBDA (cannabidiolic acid). Also, Cannabidiol has a long list of scientific papers mentioning its beneficial properties in several diseases and disorders. Concerning H4CBD the research is still in an early stage.

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Post by: Hempoil®
Hempoil® is the first cannabis company in Greece, since 2016.

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