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Privacy Policy

Our company respects and protects your privacy. The present Privacy Policy applies each time you visit our website, surf through our pages or use our services, regardless of whether you make any use of our website or purchase any products or services.

The protection of your personal data is governed by the laws of Spain, particularly the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Spain’s Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD) and in force.

For the purposes of the applicable law, the Data Controller is the company under the name Nicholas Constantinou, located at Calle Calderon No 8, Denia, Alicante (hereinafter referred to as HEMPOIL), which sets out the purposes and methods of processing your personal data, as well as the proper implementation and compliance with the security procedures so as to ensure privacy, integrity and availability of such data.

By accepting this Privacy Policy, the user accepts and gives unconditionally his consent to HEMPOIL to use the personal data that he / she provides only when necessary and of course in the context of achieving the purposes described below.

We also invite you to read the General Terms and Conditions of Use, because they also contain important indications about privacy and the security systems adopted by this website.

Optional or compulsory communication of personal data

Communicating your personal data to HEMPOIL when requested in any instance when you use our website may be essential or mandatory in order to achieve the corresponding purpose (i.e. registration to our website, subscription to our newsletter etc.).

The compulsory or optional nature of the data communication is specified each time – with reference to the specific data requested – at the point of input for each data collection, by marking compulsory information with an asterisk (*).

If you refuse to communicate the information marked as compulsory to HEMPOIL, it will be impossible to achieve the main purpose of the specific data collection or provide any of the services available on

Communicating additional data to HEMPOIL, other than those marked as compulsory is optional and will not produce any consequences with regard to the main purposes of the collection (such as using the website itself).

How we use your personal data

  • To set up and manage your personal account
  • For sending informational and promotional messages (provided that you expressly consent to the specific purpose)
  • Manage your orders and execute your purchases correctly
  • For your browsing to our website (cookies)
  • To get in touch with you about our social media pages

Transfer of your personal data to third parties

HEMPOIL undertakes not to make any unlawful or unauthorized use of your personal data and does not in any way and for any reason transfer to any third party personal data and information of users/ visitors.

Your personal data will be disclosed to third parties only when you give your explicit consent, except where such disclosure is required by law or required for lawful purposes, for which individual’s consent is not required (for example when we process your personal data to fulfill our contractual obligations, such as the execution of your order). In such cases the personal data may be transfered to third parties who will process the data independently and solely for these purposes.

HEMPOIL has also chosen to collaborate with other companies for processing the personal data, which you provide by giving your explicit consent, for the execution of certain and specific activities. More precisely, those companies have taken over the task of managing, maintaining and developing the e-shop and in general our platform and servers. The companies that conduct such operations have been carefully selected and are experienced, capable and trustworthy, and offer sufficient guarantees that they abide by the applicable laws and regulations that regulate data processing. Therefore, these companies conduct their activities according to the instructions and under the control of HEMPOIL. We verify on a regular basis that they have fulfilled the duties assigned to them and that they continue to offer sufficient guarantees of compliance with the provisions that govern the protection of personal data.

Please contact with our customer service or send us an e-mail message to: [email protected] if you would like to receive a full list of our data processors.

HEMPOIL is likely to process third-party’s personal data, which is communicated directly to HEMPOIL by the users / visitors themselves, such as when the user paying for a product / good is different from the recipient.

Under these circumstances, it is the user’s responsibility to obtain consent from this person before disclosing his/her personal data to HEMPOIL and to inform him/her of this Privacy Policy, otherwise the user will be solely responsible for the communication of personal data and information of a third party who has not given his consent or when such data is used illegally or inappropriately. In any event, any third party whose personal data is processed by HEMPOIL under these circumstances has the same rights as those described in the section under the title “Your Rights”.

Security measures

We adopt technical and organisational security measures that are sufficient to reduce the risks of destruction or loss of data – even if accidental – to a minimum, to impede unauthorised access, illicit types of processing and processing that is not in accordance with the purposes of collection as indicated in the present Privacy Policy.

However, HEMPOIL cannot guarantee to its users that the security measures adopted to protect the website, data transmission and information on the website in general, limit or exclude any risk whatsoever of unauthorised access or dispersion of data via users’ devices: we advise you to ensure that your computer is equipped with appropriate software to protect data transmission on the network, both incoming and outgoing (such as up to date antivirus systems) and that your Internet service provider has also adopted adequate security measures to protect network data transmission (such as a firewall and antispamming filters).

Your rights

You are entitled, at any time, to have access to your personal data and information you have already communicated to HEMPOIL by yourselves (right to access).

You are also entitled to obtain information from HEMPOIL about the source of your personal data, the purposes and methods of data processing that apply to your personal data, the type of software applied when electronic instruments are used for data processing, full identification of the data controller and data processors, the names of the persons or categories of persons to whom personal data may be communicated or who may become privy to personal data while performing their duties (right to be informed). All this information is included in this Privacy Policy.

In addition, you may always be entitled to ask for:

  • updating, correction, and modification of your personal data (right to correction).
  • having your personal data permanently deleted and eliminated (right to erasure). In this case, we are required to delete your data without any undue delay if only one of the following applies:
    A) personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed by our company,
    B) you revoked your consent to the collection, processing and storage of your personal data and there is no other legal basis for processing it anymore,
    C) you object to the processing of your personal data and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for processing it,
    D) the personal data has been illegally processed,
    E) personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation under the EU law to which our company is subjected to,
    F) personal data have been collected in connection with the provision of offer of information society services directly to a child, as specified in art. 8 par. 1 of GDPR
  • transformation into an anonymous form or the blocking of your personal data being used, including the data deemed unnecessary for the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently processed (right to restriction of processing).
  • receiving your personal data, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller in a safe and secure way (right to portability).
  • in any case you have the right to totally or partially oppose (right to object) to the processing of your personal data as long as there are no overriding legitimate grounds for processing, especially if your data is used for advertising or direct marketing purposes or if it is used for commercial purposes or market research. 
  • stop sending you promotional mail by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link contained in the promotional emails.

You may freely exercise your rights at any time by sending a written request to HEMPOIL to the mailing address [email protected] and we will reply promptly to satisfy your request.

Time period for a reply

We make our best efforts to respond to all legitimate customer requests within a month. Occasionally it may take more than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have submitted a series of requests. In this case, we will notify you and let you know accordingly.

To ensure that your personal data are always accurate, up to date, pertinent and complete, please let us know about any variations by sending an email at [email protected]

Direct Selling – Targeted Advertising 

We wish to inform you that by accepting the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions of Use of our website as well, you grant your explicit consent to HEMPOIL in order to collect, store and use your data when: 

  • buying our products
  • creating a user profile and subscribe to our website
  • participating in a competition, promotion or research
  • informing or asking us a question (Facebook chat plugin – api), contact form, email link,

By inserting your email address, full name, age, mobile phone number for direct selling activities involving products similar to those you have already ordered, purchased and, in general, expressed interest in any way, as well as for sending you adverts or newsletters about products similar to those you have already ordered, purchased and, in general, expressed interest in any way. You may revoke such consent at any time at by sending an email at [email protected]. To manage your marketing and communication preferences, you can go to your account “editing” section.

Automatic technologies or interactions. While interacting with the website, we may automatically collect technical information on equipment, browsing procedures etc. We collect this information through cookies, server records and other similar technologies.

Links to web sites of third parties

Our site includes links to other websites that may have no relation to us solely to facilitate and inform users when navigating. HEMPOIL does not control or monitor such websites or their contents. HEMPOIL may not be held responsible for the contents of such websites and the rules they apply, even with regard to your privacy and processing of your personal data during your navigation on their pages. We therefore invite you to be careful when you enter these sites via links on our website and to read their privacy policy and conditions of use very carefully. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to the websites of other companies.

Multimedia online channels

We may use information from online media sources such as websites, social media and information exchange platforms. These information can be used to help us tailor and improve our services to you. When we use information from such sources, we will respect the rights you have set for how you want your information to be used. We recommend that you regularly review the privacy notices and preference settings available to you on any multimedia online channel, so that they can be applied.

Cookies Policy – Technology & Management

We use cookies on this website. Cookies are small text files that are stored on our browser when you browse the web so as to improve the experience of using our website, make browsing faster and easier for you.

The operation of the website will be severely affected if you disable or refuse to use the cookies. For example, you may not be able to load images and / or you may not be able to add goods to your cart and make a purchase.

If you would like to get more information on how to manage certain types of cookies, including how to check or delete them, please visit:

Types of Cookies

The basic types of cookies that the website may use are described below:

  • Session cookies
    These are temporary cookies that remain in your device’s browser cookie file only during your visit and are deleted when you shut down the browser. Some of their functions are that we allow you to scroll through various pages on our website, we keep in your cart the items you have added during your browsing, and allow us to operate the “check out” system in order for you to complete successfully your orders.
  • Persistent cookies
    These cookies remain in your device’s browser cookie file (computer, tablet, mobile) even after shutting down the browser, sometimes for a year or more (the exact length of stay depends on the life of each cookie). Permanent cookies are used for you to remember your browsing and preferences on our website and to allow you interact with the platforms through social media.
  • First-party cookies
    These are cookies that are installed on your browser and / or your device’s hard drive by the website you are visiting. This includes assigning a unique ID to you in order to track your navigation on our website. They are usually used for managing visits and for identification purposes.
  • Third-party cookies
    These are cookies used by third parties, such as social networks, in order to track of your visits to various websites were they are advertised. The website administrator does not control or monitor third party cookies.
  • Google Analytics cookies
    Google Analytics cookies are performance analysis / record cookies that allow us to collect anonymous information on how visitors use our website Such cookies can inform us of how many visitors are using the website, the time and duration of use, and also provide us with information on how visitors navigate the various parts of the website (i.e. menu options). Such information helps us improve the way our website operates and our services to you as well. They are also anonymous information and do not contain any personal data.

    Information collected from Google Analytics cookies about our website are transferred and stored on Google’s servers in accordance with Google’s privacy policy. For more information about Google Analytics, please visit this link. You may disable tracking by Google Analytics service by clicking here.

Managing Cookies

Most web browsers allow you to control and configure cookies through your browser settings. You can see how, by clicking on your browser:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari
  • Mozilla Firefox

If your browser is not listed or if you are using a mobile phone please visit: and consult it for the necessary actions. Moreover, all the aforementioned browsers are owned by other companies and we are not responsible for their content and accuracy.

Variations and updates of Privacy Policy

HEMPOIL may modify or simply update this site’s Privacy Policy, in part or completely, even owing to variations of the laws and regulations that govern this matter and protect your rights. Such variations and updates of the Privacy Policy will be posted on the Home Page and in such way notified to the users, and will be binding as soon as published on the website. We therefore invite you to visit this section often and read the most recent and updated version of this Privacy Policy.

Contact us

For any questions or clarifications, please contact:

Nicholas Constantinou
Calle Calderon No 8, Denia, Alicante, Spain.
Tel. Number: +34624540038
Data Protection Officer: e-mail at [email protected]

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