H4CBD Charas (Hash / Choco)
H4CBD Charas, Hash Cannabis extract for smoking or vaping. H4-CBD hemp extract has just arrived for purchase in Cyprus and Greece. The extracts are CBD variety, Infused with H4CBD 99% Distillate.
Cannabinoid H4-CBD is a synthetic cannabinoid and is a form of hydrogenated cannabidiol CBD. H4CBD (Hydrogenated CBD), (Tetrahydrocannabidiol), (Cyclohexyl CBD) is a cannabinoid first synthesized by the Todd group in 1940 and derived from the catalytic hydrogenation of cannabidiol.
H4CBD is created by adding four hydrogen atoms to the cannabidiol molecule derived from high CBD industrial hemp varieties (hemp Sativa L.).
Discover the varieties of hemp extracts / chocolate / hash / charas with H4CBD in a wide variety in the Hempoil® Shop to buy online or in one of our stores in Spain.