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25 October, 2018

CBD Oil for animals: let the expert take over!


The interest of the scientific community in the therapeutic potential of cannabidiol in the animal sector is increasing more and more.

Each day we receive questions of various nature, from customers interested in CBD products for domestic animals.

Availing ourselves of the experience of Veterinary Doctor Elena Battaglia, with whom we’ve already talked about CBD and animals in our previous articles, we will give answers to the questions arriving us most frequently.

In which pathologies Cannabidiol shows to be mainly effective?

The disorders mostly treated are arthrosis, epilepsy and anxiety, even though in each situation in which anti-inflammatories and painkillers are necessary, it is good to use it.

Administration modalities, oil or capsules?

The difference lies in being able to dose it. It’s easier to dose oil, the capsule has a fixed dosage.

CBD is not psychotropic!

Many write us with the fear to find their own dog or cat ‘stoned’ as a consequence of the use of the product.

CBD isn’t psychotropic! Your four-legged friend will not have any effect, on the contrary it will benefit of the effects of cannabidiol.

About the dosage?

There is a standard dosage to start with, based on weight, which then will be adjusted according to the disorder and the patient.

Is it possible in Italy for a veterinarian to prescribe CBD products?

Absolutely yes!

Are there any contraindications and/or possible side effects?

Based on literature and experience, I can state I haven’t seen any side effects, apart from a very rare light sedation.

Premium CBD Oil for Pets, why did we choose olive oil?

We decided to use olive oil and not hemp oil to make the intake more palatable and natural also for animals. Omega 3s are added subsequently, including a preparation of plant origin, specifically made for animals.

The endocannabinoid system in domestic animals

Vertebrate animals have an endocannabinoid system equal to that of human beings, which acts on a wide range of biological processes inside the organism.

The receptors of the endocannabinoid system are CB1 and CB2.

CB1 is a membrane receptor situated in the central nervous system in two areas, controlling dietary behaviour: the mesolimbic area, related to the pleasure of consuming tasty food, and the hypothalamic area, related to the production of molecules regulating food intake.

CB1 receptors are also present in the organs which control metabolism, like the gastro-intestinal tract, the liver, the endocrine pancreas, adipose and musculoskeletal tissue.

CB2 on the other hand, is a receptor involved in bone metabolism and has the capacity to modulate the immune response.

From the presence of these receptors, the conclusion was soon made that there had to be molecules produced by the body, which would bind to them. We are in 1992 when anandamide is identified .

We are talking about endocannabinoids (or endogenous cannabinoids), represented by lipids very similar to the exogenous cannabinoids of Cannabis.

The role of the endocannabinoid system

The endocannabinoid system is based on intra-neural mechanisms, different from those of normal neurotransmitters. That is why it is involved both in the control of appetite and in many other physiological functions correlated with stress response and the maintenance of homeostasis.

Endocannabinoids have neuro-protectant properties, are able to regulate motor and brain activities. Moreover, the Endocannabinoid System is involved in the modulation of the immune, anti-inflammatory endocrine responses and exerts an anti-proliferative action as well.

Endocannabinoids effect the cardiovascular and respiratory systems as well, controlling the heart rate, reducing the arterial pressure and favouring bronchial dilatation.

The organism has a true endocannabinoid system, which deals with synthesizing or, on the contrary, demolishing these compounds. Contrary to traditional hormones and neurotransmitters, stored in secretory vesicles up to the time of release, endocannabinoids are synthesized and released on the spot and degraded immediately after their action. Thus, the endocannabinoid system acts on request, exerting its actions only where and when necessary.

The information contained in this article is not intended as medical advice, the contents have informative purposes only and do not substitute the medical advice of a veterinarian.

Would you like to know more about the world of medical cannabis and CBD? Do not hesitate to contact us.
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Post by: Hempoil®
Hempoil® is the first cannabis company in Greece, since 2016.

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