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04 January, 2023

CBD and Metabolism: Does Cannabis help to lose weight?


CBD and Metabolism, CBD Oil appetite: The scientific community recently started paying attention to cannabis’s role in metabolism, CBD oil appetite, how cannabidiol can contribute to weight loss are some researched topics. Recent studies try to update cannabis’s role in metabolism and the potential positive effect in the reduction of body fat. The scientific interest in the cannabidiol mechanisms is based on the data demonstrating this active compound’s potential benefits.

The Role of the endocannabinoid system in metabolism

“Cannabinoid Receptors and Endocannabinoid System: Signaling and Function in the Central Nervous System” is a review published in 2018, exploring cannabis properties and the endocannabinoid system, conducted by Shenglong Zou and Ujendra Kumar, from the pharmacology department of British Columbia University in Vancouver, published on the International Journal of Molecular Science.

The authors underlined the biological effects of the cannabinoids, the main active substances of the cannabis Sativa plants that interact with the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. The impact of CBD on the two receptors draws scientific attention due to its therapeutic potential in various areas of medicine. According to the authors, Cannabidiol(CBD) demonstrated a wide range of promising therapeutic effects either separately or in combination with other prescribed medicinal products for treatment, highlighting that more research about CBD mechanisms of function is essential.

Up to date, we know that both CB1 and CB2 receptors get activated by endogenous compounds (endocannabinoids) participating in many physiologic processes (such as pain perception regulation or those related to the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal and liver functions).

The endocannabinoid system regulates, among other things, our energy balance and metabolism. It also includes metabolic enzymes and participates in the transfer of nutrients and energy regulation. Two endocannabinoids (anandamide and 2-AG 2-arachidonoylglycerol) are present in the CB1 and CB2 receptors, activated by the CBD, contributing to the absorption of food and nutrients.

CBD oil and Appetite (Cannabidiol)

The link between cannabis and healthy diet, increase or decrease of appetite, CBD oil appetite are some topics of the studies about the beneficial properties in the body. The fact is that the active substance THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) may stimulate appetite, although no data reports the link between THC and weight increase. On the contrary, in 2011, a study conducted by psychologist Yan Le Strat from the University of Paris, indicated that among common cannabis consumers, there is a reduced frequency of obesity.

CBD and metabolism: The author presented a simple fact using two representative epidemiological studies of the United States population: The National Epidemiological Survey on alcohol and related conditions (NESARC – 2001-2002) and the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R, 2001-2003). According to the samples, cannabis use may be associated with a lower frequency of body mass index. However, the author clarified the need for more data to determine whether there is a correlation or whether it depends on an interaction between other variables.

Concerning the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) effects on stimulating a sense of appetite, we should consider the study conducted by researchers at Yale University published on the website “Nature,” which explains the natural bases of this typical ‘hunger sensation’ caused by cannabis. The researchers analyzed the neurons triggered in the CB1 receptors, the endocannabinoid cells, and the POMC (Proopiomelanocortin) neurons that transmit and make us feel a sense of satiation. The researcher wanted to verify whether activating CB1 receptors in mice with a full stomach and decreasing the activity of POMC neurons would cause hunger.

The researchers noted that the neurons POMC did not reduce their activity; instead, they increased it: despite activating the mechanism, which triggers the sense of satiation, the mice ate either way. The researchers went further, finding that Pomc neurons release the hormone melanocyte, which causes a feeling of saturation, and beta-endorphin, which gives a sense of well-being. When the active ingredients of the hemp plant activate the POMC neurons, they can only release beta-endorphin. The neurons, in fact, no longer release the hormone, which lets us know that it is time to stop eating because we have reached satiation.

The studies are ongoing as there is no clear answer to the question, “can hemp help us gain weight?”. Researchers at the University of Montreal stated that cannabis could cause both an increase and a loss of weight, considering the factors related to the daily diet of the consumer and physical condition. Cannabis with high THC may increase the temporary sensation of appetite, but there is not sufficient available data available that links directly to weight gain in the long term.

Weight loss with CBD (Cannabidiol): CBD and Metabolism)

CBD and Metabolism: Let’s start by reminding you that there is no “magic trick” to losing weight quickly and without any effort or product or substance, in this case, CBD (Cannabidiol), which could contribute to the therapy.

A healthy diet, possibly recommended by a diet expert, and regular physical activity are the ingredients for an effective and healthy way of weight loss. Recently, however, the scientific data increased the interest concerning the beneficial properties of hemp in Cannabis sativa plants, as the researcher underlined the potential therapeutic effects of cannabis on human metabolism.

One of the first studies conducted in 2016 by a group of Korean researchers demonstrates the potential effects of cannabidiol in reducing body fat. The study, published in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, describes how cannabidiol (CBD) can act in three ways on fat cells called preadipocytes. According to the study, CBD could increase the capacity to burn calories, help break down fats and reduce the mechanisms that create new fatty cells in our body.

Based on these observations, the researchers concluded that more data are required to study further the potential use of cannabis as a cure for obesity. Moreover, cannabidiol (CBD), unlike THC / HHC, does not affect these mechanisms that cause sudden and unmotivated appetite. In other words, cannabidiol does not cause chemical hunger.

A recent study published in 2020 on the scientific website on phytocannabinoids and obesity highlights the use of cannabidiol CBD as a substance with anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antioxidant, and neuroprotective effects and a potential tool to prevent obesity. The research reports that CBD could potentially be a treatment for diabetes, obesity, ischemia, neurodegenerative disorders, depression, and chronic pain.

CBD And Metabolism: Cannabidiol properties in our body

Scientific research shows the beneficial contribution of cannabidiol in our body in several disorders and conditions. Also, the World Health Organization reports that CBD is safe, non-toxic, without significant side effects, and has promising properties.

Among the various research areas on the effects of cannabidiol, one of the most recent is considering the possible action to support the consumption of calories. The positive thing about cannabidiol, but also the other cannabinoids, is that research into its beneficial properties is ongoing.

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Post by: Hempoil®
Hempoil® is the first cannabis company in Greece, since 2016.

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