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29 March, 2023

«Best franchise workplace» for Hempoil® – Franchise Awards 2023


Franchise Awards 2023 | Hempoil®

Hempoil® Natural Products, true to her entrepreneurial vision, excels once more in business innovation. At the 15th gala, «Franchise Awards 2023», held on Wednesday, 1st November 2023, at Gazarte, Hempoilshop won the «Best franchise workplace» award. It is the seventh distinction of the company keeping up her thriving career in the organic cannabis products (CBD) sector since 2016.

The best franchises awarding process concluded for the 15th year, pointing out the top franchises and the new inventive franchise concepts with 42 awards in 7 sections of distinction.

Franchise Awards is an initiative held by the magazine FRANCHISE BUSINESS since 2008. It represents an established franchising institution in Greece that aims to strengthen and spread the dynamics of franchising. Also, it targets to highlight the sector’s best practices and their unfolding potential. The event FRANCHISE AWARDS 2023 took place under the auspices of the Ministry of Development and Investment, the Hellenic Confederation of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ESEE), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Athens (EBEA), and the Greek Franchise Association.

Platon Mallikourtis, coordinator and editor of the magazine FRANCHISE BUSINESS, stated: «Franchise features in dynamic strategy as an important business initiative breakthrough.

In Greece, there are already 500 chain stores with 20.000 retail shops and thousands of employees, shaping the 6% of the total employee number. Furthermore, the franchise institution upset the statistics, showing that 8 out of 10 franchisees can successfully fulfill a 10-year agreement. At the same time, 9 to 10 startup companies can survive only for one year, 7 to 10 small businesses last only two years, and 50% of new businesses interrupt their activity within five years!»

Mr. Mallikourtis mentioned the Mission and the vision that inspired FRANCHISE AWARDS. He cited: «Together we can, through collaboration, define and promote our shared and radiant Mission, which is to highlight franchising:

  • To highlight the franchise as the safest business option and
  • The ultimate definition of entrepreneurship

Our Mission inspires us, is fair, and represents our vision:

  • Addresses to those who seek better future employment prospective
  • Targets to franchisees and franchisors’ success supporting fair trade
  • Resist social, political, and technological alteration

This year, we promoted, in a glowing event, 39 franchise brands that stood out for their distinctive achievements, innovative business strategies, updated features, and solid infrastructure».

Franchise is now part of NSRF

During the opening of the award ceremony for the FRANCHISE AWARDS 2023, the minister of Development & Investments, Mr. Adonis – Spyridon Georgiadis, clearly stated the integration process of the franchise in the programs of development led by NSRF.

Adonis Georgiadis Franchise Awards 2023. NSRF for Franchise. Hempoil® natural Products CBD.
Adonis Georgiadis | Franchise Awards 2023

The FRANCHISE AWARDS institution was a breakthrough for all the institutes coordinated to give a solution to the past obstacles! The President of the Greek Franchise Association, Mr. Konstantinos Konstantinopoulos, with the support of the legal advisor Mr. Sotiris Giannakakis, the statements of the president of the Athens Chamber of Tradesmen, Mr.Ioannis Chatzitheodosiou, the franchise office manager Mr. Dimitris Ramantzas, and the mediation of the MP Vasilis Spanakis succeeded through the Intermediary Body of the Operational Program “Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship” (EFEPAE), and the contribution of the president Mr.Platon Marlafekas, that EFEPAE will be responsible for evaluating the franchisee’s proposals to the NSRF based on specific requirements.

Hempoil® Natural Products (, at the FRANCHISE AWARDS 2023, came through the organization and effectiveness, winning the award for the Best Franchise Workplace. We thank the event coordinators and our dear customers for their firm confidence in our products and services since 2016. Special credits to our teammates and partners who contribute daily to promoting Hempoil® vision and work.

Which are the benefits of Hempoil® Natural Products Franchise Network?

  • The first cannabis company in Greece, since 2016
  • The only company with 7 awards for innovation in the cannabis field
  • No1 brand, with top recognition in the CBD market
  • Exclusive partnerships with the top brands worldwide
  • The first business to copyright a cannabis logo
  • The first company that registered at the General Chemical State Laboratory of Greece, electronic cigarette CBD e-liquid for vaping
  • Network of highly qualified scientific partners
  • Property to rest assessment
  • Constant support and counseling in staff training, technical issues and sales
  • Private label products
  • Initial and constant training
  • Pioneering activity
  • Turnkey franchise
  • Ability of wide area of responsibility
  • Low initial investment

Franchise Hempoil® Requirements for Greece:

Required store space (m²): up to 30-40 m²

Initial Franchise Hempoil investment:

Design / structure: from €9,000 Euro

Initial merchandise: from €9,000 + Euro

Entry Fees: from €6000 Euro

Royalties: No (GR)

Mrk Fees: No (GR)

Hempoil storefront in Dafni, Attiki
Start today with your Hempoil® store.

Need help? Would you like to learn more about medical cannabis and CBD? Do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected], reach us on our social media channels, or visit one of our stores.

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Post by: Hempoil®
Hempoil® is the first cannabis company in Greece, since 2016.

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